Ingredients :

Sweet corn kernels : half cup,  boiled

Onion : 1 large, finely chopped

Capsicum : 1 large, finely chopped

Green chilli : 1 finely chopped

Garlic cloves : 3-4, finely chopped

Oregano seasoning : 2 TSP

Chilli flakes : 1 TSP

Cheese : 4  tbsp or about 60 gms

Mayonnaise : as needed

Method :

Mix all ingredients together and use the mayonnaise as a binding agent. 

Toast one side of the bread slices and spread the mixture on the other side.

Grill in the oven for about 10 minutes or till the top is starting to brown.

Remove and enjoy!

The last one at the bottom is without the corn. Came out okay 😄